Eight Years Ago (and a New Start)
I went to an event last week and I made a huge mistake. I caught myself, just as I was doing it, but it was too late.
I introduced myself and said that I “founded, grew, and sold my social media agency.”
My man, that was EIGHT YEARS ago.
I’ve done things since, but I panicked and defaulted back to a nearly decade-old accolade when introducing myself to a stranger. WHO CARES.
I’m quite proud of McBeard, the time, the work and the people–OF COURSE. But I have to confess that I still secretly, deep down, cling to this thing I once was years ago. I’ve struggled to find my lane ever since. And to quote Nate Bargatze, “pardon my French but that just stinks.”
I’m lucky enough to have the open space to explore my path. To discover again what I am and who I want to be. A creative director? An executive? A writer? An entrepreneur? A startup investor and advisor? Or something I haven’t yet discovered? I haven’t landed it.
I’ve called this season a “very reasonable midlife crisis,” but honestly, that undermines the real feelings of frustration and hopelessness I’ve felt during the past few years.
So, here we are. At McBeard (again)…
I was going to launch this with another piece of writing – something smarter and/or more hilarious, maybe? – but this is the most honest thing. I’m opening up this “new McBeard” by admitting I hang my hat on old McBeard. The irony.
So, what is this new McBeard? It’s simply the Mc and the Beard – me and Alan. Our shared projects, interests, investments and for now, thoughts on business, experimenting, seeking your purpose, humor, marketing, partnership, management, pop culture, art, investing, failure, looking in the mirror, family, keeping the main the main thing, and trying to be good — and do good — to those around us.
Alan, whose top social media platforms are (checks notes) “links sent via text message” and “a raised eyebrow,” will join too, as we share what we’ve learned together, as friends, business partners and people journeying together.
And maybe along the way, I’ll find my way. Here we go (again).
You can follow along on LinkedIn, or here on Substack, where we’ll post some extra stuff each week.
What would you like to hear us talk about next?